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Bulk SMS; Business Marketing and Communication

Asher Group Ltd - Bulk SMS

Written by Isaac

July 8, 2022

You’ve definitively experienced it, The Power and Effectiveness of BULK SMS.

Sometimes you purchase goods or services and get a SMS with the name of the business you’ve made a payment to. That name is called a SENDER ID. It’s Globally Unique to a particular business. We help you register a Unique Sender ID and offer you a Bulk SMS Platform (see screenshot). You can use the platform in two modes:


  • We integrate the bulk SMS with you’re existing system such as Point of Sale, School Management System, etc. such that when a transaction occurs and customers pay you, they get a confirmation SMS with you business name. For instance for a School System, the system can send a reminder to all parents whose kids have a balance and also send them a receipt when they pay.

02. MANUAL SMS Dispatch

  • Here you can login to our Bulk SMS System, compose a message and blast to various groups of your contacts. Please note you can still automate and/schedule SMS to be sent even over holiday or weekends when you’re not working. You can set the system to send happy birthday messages to you’re customers and much more
Asher Group Ltd - Bulk SMS Sender ID
Our Sender Id – AsherGroup

All in all, the system maintains a nice database with your customers contacts, allowing you to keep all or groups of customers posted with what’s your business is offering.

Definitely if you’re hearing about Bulk SMS for the first time, you can have grasped all we’ve talked about…but that’s why we are here. For more details and demo drop us a note on info@ashergroupltd.com, call us on 0790 719 999 or WhatsApp us on the same number.

Asher Group Ltd – For Mutual Business Growth.

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